8/26 thoughts

Today i am confused about what i want.
everyone wants to be happy with someone and share a whole life with them, its just a matter of finding that one person. The thing is, I fully believe in that statement. I believe in soulmates and true love.  I want to find that person because I believe that it will make me happy. I know it shouldn't be the only thing and that I can be happy with myself. Just some thing about true love gets me. It fills a void that I have. It fulfills a longing that I have created since I could remember.

So i guess the question is, am I ready?

I have messed up a lot in relationships. Becoming a person that i'm not. I really hate being that person and yet i can't stop myself from becoming him. I am afraid to be that person. It scares me that i won't allow myself to be happy because i know that i am the reason that i can't be. I always get in the way of my happiness. There is always a reason, like " I am not good enough" or " she deserves better." The thing is, sometimes I believe those statements. I believe that i am not worthy enough to be happy, to be with someone.

I would give you a thousand reasons just to be with me, but i just need one to be with you. I am romantic and cheesy as they come. Always watching those romantic comedies and what not. Fully believing in them. Big romantic gestures are the work of real men. A thing i always believed in but never understood. They go through hell and back to do this one thing for the person they love, because they know that they are worth it. That nothing matters in that one moment, except for them and their love. A powerful thing that i always wanted, but could never achieve. Something i want to do some day for that special someone. But that day has not yet arrived.

Should i try to even talk to, to try and get to know her? something that could potentially turn into something else. or do i even try at all because i know somehow, some way, I am going to mess it up. i like her, but that isn't enough anymore. Love is not enough anymore/ So why try? Because love is the single greatest thing that can happen to a person. Yet it could also be the worst thing. Yet we all strive for it. To make the first move, to take that leap, it takes  everything in your whole being. So to answer the question of If i am ready? no I not. But should I go for it? Leap.
