
Showing posts from August, 2017

8/26 thoughts

Today i am confused about what i want. everyone wants to be happy with someone and share a whole life with them, its just a matter of finding that one person. The thing is, I fully believe in that statement. I believe in soulmates and true love.  I want to find that person because I believe that it will make me happy. I know it shouldn't be the only thing and that I can be happy with myself. Just some thing about true love gets me. It fills a void that I have. It fulfills a longing that I have created since I could remember. So i guess the question is, am I ready? I have messed up a lot in relationships. Becoming a person that i'm not. I really hate being that person and yet i can't stop myself from becoming him. I am afraid to be that person. It scares me that i won't allow myself to be happy because i know that i am the reason that i can't be. I always get in the way of my happiness. There is always a reason, like " I am not good enough" or " s